Adult Positions

Examples of Adult Positions in the Troop

Committee Chair:

Specific duties:  Recruits for and fills all Committee positions. Works with the Scoutmaster to establish Troop operational policies and future requirements and goals. Helps run Committee Meetings. Assists the Scoutmaster in resolving disciplinary problems or personal conflicts. Responsible (with the Chartered Organization Representative) for background checks on potential Adult Leaders. When required, institutes the search for a new Scoutmaster. Encourages committee members to get training. This individual is the Committee equivalent of the Scoutmaster – he/she is the glue that holds the rest of it together. Should have good organizational and “people” skills.


Specific duties:  Attends all Committee Meetings. Takes Minutes. Types up and forwards to the Scoutmaster (in a timely manner) for publishing. Gets a replacement if unable to attend a specific meeting.

Board of Review Coordinator

Specific duties:  Become an expert on Scout Advancement Requirements. Also on Scout Uniforming. Recruit and help train 4 – 6 additional Adults and Senior Scouts (especially Eagle Scouts) for the bimonthly BoR. The Troop already has several Committee members and Senior Scouts with BoR experience. Run the Boards. Forward required (signed) paperwork to the Scoutmaster. Attend any District Round Table Meetings discussing BoRs and Scoutmaster’s Conferences (rare). Attend any Troop Committee Seminar training sessions on same (max: once/year). Interact with the Scoutmaster on (both positive and negative) feedback from the Scouts regarding Troop operations.

Troop Treasurer

Specific duties: Double checks Troop Accountant’s work. Final approves and cuts all checks. Makes all deposits. Maintains Troop Checking and Savings Accounts; keeps the Scoutmaster and Troop Accountant informed as to the current financial status of the Troop.

Chartered Organization Representative

Specific duties: Maintains liaison with the Pastor, the Rectory, the Principal and the School. The main communication link. Assists in resolving problems between the Troop and the Parish (if any). Solicits the Parish and School for potential service projects, including Eagle Scout Projects. Assists in background checks of new Adult Leaders. Should always be an individual with already existing strong ties with the Parish

Merit Badge Coordinator

Specific duties: Develops “Troop List” of Merit Badge Counselors from Troop Surveys. Actively recruits Parents and Assistant Scoutmasters, others, to be Merit Badge Counselors. Coordinates with the Scoutmaster to establish formal Merit Badge schedule for Scout Meetings. Helps coordinate “Summer Camp” Merit Badges, especially preliminary work to be done here. Should be an individual willing to spend a fair amount of time at Troop meetings. Good “people skills” helpful.

Eagle Scout Coordinator

Specific duties:  Acts as the Guide for all Eagle Scout candidates. Learns the ins and outs of the entire process, particularly the paperwork. Acts as Troop coordinator for Life-to-Eagle Seminars (held once or twice a year.) Helps coordinate Eagle Scout projects and Eagle Boards of Review. Acts as liason to the Council for Eagle Scout Applicants. Helps coordinate Eagle Courts of Honor with the Parents and Court of Honor Coordinators. We realistically expect to average 4 Eagle Scouts a year for the foreseeable future. This person needs to be flexible, an empathetic counselor, and a nit-picking perfectionist – a tough combination.

Activities Coordinator

Specific duties:  Works with the Scoutmaster and PLC to plan all outings. Prepares, collects and organizes permission slips.  Acquires Tour Permits and Park Permits. Makes all reservations, acquires and forwards deposits. Keeps track of long-term reservation requirements (summer camp, skiing trips, etc.) Arranges transportation to and from all outings. Collects all receipts, organizes, and forwards to the Accountant. Prepares detailed how-to guides after the event for future reference, and forwards to the Scoutmaster for archiving. Does not need to be an ASM or someone who goes camping; requires good organizational skills. Maintains contacts with the PLC to develop upcoming program. Needs to be able to look down the road one full year in advance.

Equipment Coordinator

Specific duties:  Works with the Scout Quartermasters to keep gear and Equipment closet organized and clean. Recommends purchases of new/replacement equipment, and works with the Troop Committee to acquire same. Keeps existing gear in good repair; notes immediate and future problems. This is as much a training and oversight job as it is a “doing” job; the scouts are supposed to do the work.

Service/Volunteer Coordinator

Specific duties:  Coordinates and approve all service/volunteer hours that are outside normal Troop projects (e.g., Marine Corps Marathon, Scouting for Food, Eagle Scout project, help, etc.) Works with Scouts and parents to clarify nature of service, ensures completion of work and logging of hours. Generates Certificates of completion.


Specific duties:   Provides a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.  Give guidance to the chaplain aide. Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his/her choice.  Visit homes of scouts in times of sickness or need.  Give spiritual counseling and service when needed or requested.  Encourage Boy Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems.  Supervise non denominational services for troop campouts. Coordinate troop participation in Scout Sunday.  Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Medical Records Coordinator

Specific duties:  Coordinate annual collection troop medical forms during troop re-charter process. Works with the Outdoor/Activities Coordinator/Summer Camp Coordinators to see that all adults and scouts who will attend any troop activity including high adventure and summer camp have current and proper medical forms well in advance of the beginning of the activity.  Maintain medical form notebooks and makes at least one available to the Scoutmaster or designated health/safety officer for all troop activities.

Troop Advancement Chair

Specific duties:  Learns to use and maintain the new Troop Records Program. Performs Data entries on a regular basis. Generates Advancement Reports for Boards of Review and other advancement, relays same to Council Headquarters. Coordinates awards (patches, cards, etc.) for Scouts. Works with Scoutmaster and Troop Scribe to maintain Advancement Charts. Purchases and maintains inventories of merit badges, rank patches, cards, etc. Maintains files on all Scouts, including Troop copies of Merit Badge cards. Prepares advancement lists for Courts of Honor. Computer literacy, perseverance, and a streak of perfectionism all helpful.

Court of Honor Coordinator

Specific duties:  Establish CoH dates with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman. Get permission to use the main hall in the Parish Center from the Rectory. Recruit families to provide snacks, drinks, etc. for the event. Establish a reminder telephone tree the day before. Invite members of the Rectory and Convent. If an Eagle Scout ceremony is to be included, coordinate with the family (or families) involved on additional setup. Assist in set up and take down.

Scouting for Food Coordinator

Specific duties:  Attend any District SFF Meetings. Coordinate with the Scoutmaster on areas to be covered and required personnel (Scouts and Adults). Coordinates the acquisition of as many leftover campaign signs as possible from the November election for preparing SFF reminder signs. Recruit necessary Adult monitors/drivers and Scouts for both Saturdays of the campaign. Gets and xeroxes the Informational Insert Flyer from the Scoutmaster. Acquire SFF bags. Prepare routes and maps. Coordinate disbursement activities (bags, flyers, routes, maps, etc.) on Saturday I. Coordinate preparation of reminder signs. Recruit 2 Adults/4 Scouts to install reminder signs mid-week. Follow up on signs and repair vandalism damage. Coordinate collection activities (routes, maps, Collection point, etc.) on Saturday II. Keep time records for all participating individuals.